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Hittman's Super Mini Build


I wanna be Dave
Aug 2, 2011
I figured I would finally start a thread on this. I have been building one pretty much since Mr.Dlux started his, just havnt posted anything. I think this idea for an unlimited class is awesome. It's cool because almost everyone's rig is different. There are a mutitude of axles/chassis/wheel and tire combos/ect that can be combine to create a unique rig. This is the ultimate builders class.

In Erik's thread he had mentioned that losi axles would be about the right width for the mini super.. After some looking I came across a set of losi axles with an old moa conversion on them. Very minimal run time, pretty decent setup.
Of course you have to have steering front and rear.. It's a builders class why wouldn't you? A while back I picked up a losi front axle that had the XR mod done. That went up front, stock losi steering axle out back.

Chassis.. Hmm what to choose? Being that I am a DravTech team driver, and I had a spare Sudu Pro chassis sitting around, I figured that was a great choice"thumbsup" Out came the magic markers, trimmed the chassis down to what "looked right".

For the most part, this rig was built with parts that I had. Very minimal amount of money was spent to build this rig. Which is pretty cool I think. Here's some specs on the rig:

Losi axles
-Moa conversion
-XR steering and HD gears up front
-Stock losi steering and stock gears out back
RcBros steering arms
Rcbros knuckle weights (2.8oz per side.. It looked right:ror:)

DravTech Sudu Pro (cut down)
Mix and match links. I bent the lowers out of 3/16 Ti. Need to make some cf uppers to replace the current mismatch
Big bore shocks 3.5 w/cap mod(30wt oil, pink mini t's front and rear, Dlux no preload cups)

Dlux g10 wheels (blue of course"thumbsup")
RC4WD Bully comp tires (narrowed to pizza cutters)
CI foam (special combo for the narrow tires)

Futaba Bls157's front and rear.. Why not have a pair of $210, 513oz servos on this thing?:lmao:
Holmes 400pullers 33t (in the mail)
Castle sidewinder micro esc's
Castle bec X2
Futaba rx
Here is a list of everything I have bought for this rig:

Losi axles w/Moa setup $85
Holmes 400 Pullers $~230
Bully tires $50
CI Foams $28

Total $393

Yeah, pretty minimal to have a Moa rig w/ 4WS. I was waiting on foams, now I am waiting on motors. I can't wait to have this rig running.

I'll get some pics up hopefully over the next couple days."thumbsup"
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Really, bully tires? Ottsix Team Driver.

It is was a quick and easy way to try out what height and width I wanted without cutting up a full set of Voodoos.. Not knowing how wide I needed them to be or how much I wanted to reduce them.

I didn't say they were staying on this rig forever.. I didn't say they were replacing the Voodoo pin tire on this or any of my rigs. I just wanted something I could mount up, without having to cut in every angle and hope I made them the right size.

So yes, really.
:lmao::lmao: don't get your skinny jeans in a twist. Just teasing. Those tires are not cheap from what I saw to be using them as a test.
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No pictures! What! Let me help you.


Cant wait to see some real pictures.

Thanks for breaking down the cost too. I think we are all in agreement that this class is really cool for multiple reasons. One of them being that it can be done with junk or spare parts.
Here's some pics"thumbsup"

As you can see, the XR steering is noticeably more than stock.

Max amps 430mah 3s fits nicely.

And my "body"
That's a nice idea.... I think I will have to build a super mini also now... Don't think we will drive those over here.. But they look so much fun
That's a nice idea.... I think I will have to build a super mini also now... Don't think we will drive those over here.. But they look so much fun

It was a super fun rig to build. Actually went together very smoothly. I was thinking it would be difficult to achieve the width/clearances needed, but these losi axles made it easy.
The length on these 400's is awesome. Gave me all the clearances I needed. Will post more pics tomorrow, or later.
