Rock Crawler
doh! well egg on me -- sorry Neil! 
Not sure where or why I thought he had passed..... weird. What's that phenomenon called - - Mandela Effect ? lol I dunno
Anyways -- Clodbeatie still up and running like a CHAMP!! Full brushless -- I calculated the Wattage to horspower conversion --- each motor is up to 1500 Watts on 5s --- totaling 4 horspower output capability!!! A POWERFUL BEAST MACHINE!!!
I did finally break a TTR CVD at the output cup --- got wrapped around a sappling and just kept hitting it, (didnt' realize I was wrapped) tire couldn't spin but motor said GOOO!!!
I have 6 sets of spares of RC4WD XVD's for the Clodbuster -- I thought they were identical in design but there ARE slight differences. Still compatabile though. I was able to ONLY replace the drive cup and keep the axle shaft inside the axle tubes untouched. So it was a quick repair thankfully.
The cup is actualy slightly SMALLER in size, but actually stronger and a better design -- they shrank the cylinder that carries the cup holding pin and therefore the still ball that the cylinder slides into is THICKER beefier, and that's what failed on my TTR CVD -- the ball exploded inside the cup because its thin wall,, because the cylinder that holds the drive pin is thick, and the set screw is large. Now on the XCD the set screw is smaller and so the cycllinder can be smaller diameter, allowing the ball to be beefier (because the hole in the ball for the cylinder is narrower there's more metal even though the ball is overall smaller outside diameter than TTR CVD. I was worried when I first looked at it, "oh know why'd they SHRINK this stuff?". But after investigating closely I could see why --- only concern is that smaller set screw strips out on your smaller tool more easily --- be sure to use HEAT and release any loc-tite before pulling that set screw because if you strip it out, OH MAN I dunno where from there. Its the only drawback I can see honestly.... and its worth it to get stronger parts at function for sure.
Because the ball is beefier towards the inside (ie the hole in it for the cylinder/set-screw/pin is smaller maybe 2mm instead of 3mm) it can still be smaller from the outside diameter, the cup can also now be be smaller to fit the smaller ball inside it, and the ball can be smaller, increasing turning radious a wee bit. Also the pin on the drive cup is 1/2mm thicker, from 2mm to 2.5mm, and the pin on the wheel side that drives the 17mm wheel lug is also 1/2mm thicker, from 2.5mm to 3mm pin. VERY COOL IMPROVEMENTS thank you RC4WD!!!!
Its been holding up fine since repair. Been putting miles on and just tired of trying to make vids -- its been time to just enjoy. SNOW VIDS soon I hope!!
Started a new thread tonight in BIG RIGS ---- I want a proper looking big Ford rig long bed..... CEN BABY!!!!
I noticed the CEN F450 KG1 has a wheelbase that is only 9mm different than the 1/8th Cross RC EMO X4 Jeep Gladiator...... I don't like the CEN chassis and dually setup, but how bout as a dedicated ROCK CRAWLER / OFF ROADER instead? Because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look of that F450 body --- thinking with some honcking 2.2 Rock Crushers!!!! Oh yeah!!

Anyways -- Clodbeatie still up and running like a CHAMP!! Full brushless -- I calculated the Wattage to horspower conversion --- each motor is up to 1500 Watts on 5s --- totaling 4 horspower output capability!!! A POWERFUL BEAST MACHINE!!!
I did finally break a TTR CVD at the output cup --- got wrapped around a sappling and just kept hitting it, (didnt' realize I was wrapped) tire couldn't spin but motor said GOOO!!!
I have 6 sets of spares of RC4WD XVD's for the Clodbuster -- I thought they were identical in design but there ARE slight differences. Still compatabile though. I was able to ONLY replace the drive cup and keep the axle shaft inside the axle tubes untouched. So it was a quick repair thankfully.
The cup is actualy slightly SMALLER in size, but actually stronger and a better design -- they shrank the cylinder that carries the cup holding pin and therefore the still ball that the cylinder slides into is THICKER beefier, and that's what failed on my TTR CVD -- the ball exploded inside the cup because its thin wall,, because the cylinder that holds the drive pin is thick, and the set screw is large. Now on the XCD the set screw is smaller and so the cycllinder can be smaller diameter, allowing the ball to be beefier (because the hole in the ball for the cylinder is narrower there's more metal even though the ball is overall smaller outside diameter than TTR CVD. I was worried when I first looked at it, "oh know why'd they SHRINK this stuff?". But after investigating closely I could see why --- only concern is that smaller set screw strips out on your smaller tool more easily --- be sure to use HEAT and release any loc-tite before pulling that set screw because if you strip it out, OH MAN I dunno where from there. Its the only drawback I can see honestly.... and its worth it to get stronger parts at function for sure.
Because the ball is beefier towards the inside (ie the hole in it for the cylinder/set-screw/pin is smaller maybe 2mm instead of 3mm) it can still be smaller from the outside diameter, the cup can also now be be smaller to fit the smaller ball inside it, and the ball can be smaller, increasing turning radious a wee bit. Also the pin on the drive cup is 1/2mm thicker, from 2mm to 2.5mm, and the pin on the wheel side that drives the 17mm wheel lug is also 1/2mm thicker, from 2.5mm to 3mm pin. VERY COOL IMPROVEMENTS thank you RC4WD!!!!
Its been holding up fine since repair. Been putting miles on and just tired of trying to make vids -- its been time to just enjoy. SNOW VIDS soon I hope!!
Started a new thread tonight in BIG RIGS ---- I want a proper looking big Ford rig long bed..... CEN BABY!!!!
I noticed the CEN F450 KG1 has a wheelbase that is only 9mm different than the 1/8th Cross RC EMO X4 Jeep Gladiator...... I don't like the CEN chassis and dually setup, but how bout as a dedicated ROCK CRAWLER / OFF ROADER instead? Because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look of that F450 body --- thinking with some honcking 2.2 Rock Crushers!!!! Oh yeah!!

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