Rock Stacker
NeW YeAr NeW Me
Well, hello all you RC crawler enthusiasts! I am here with another build! However, this one is special to me. Some back story, when I was in my teens, I used to work for a few different hobby shops back home. Which, just so happens to be where Horizon Hobby is based out of! At the time, I had barely scraped enough together to get myself my SCX10 JK unlimited kit for my graduation gift to myself. However, I had always wanted a wraith when they first came out. Just being young and broke, I couldn't justify it.
Anyway! Now, 10 years later, here we are. Recently, I have gotten back into the hobby. Mainly as both my 1:1 rigs are down. One of my goals is to be able to attend Axial Fest West for 2024 (will this happen? Doubtful). The main reason is that the Ultra 5k has got my attention, I think the concept is awesome! It seems like a fun test against the machine you build, and YOU. While this goal is kinda just a dream. It has lived rent free in my head several months now, plus I don't even have a rig for it!
Dream on bud
While on a recent buisness trip, scrolling through good 'ol craigslist. I found a BRAND NEW in the box, wraith spawn kit. This kit had EVERYTHING needed to build myself a rock racer. Here was the ad description:
Too many projects, and too little time for them all -SO- up for sale is my ALL NEW Axial Wraith Spawn Rock Racer builders kit that has been parked in my basement unfinished for too long. IN ADDITION to the chassis, EVERYTHING needed to complete the kit and go rock racing is INCLUDED and listed below:
-Axial assembly manual
-Wraith Spawn unpainted clear body, window masks, and decal sheet (and I'll throw-in red spray paint if you'd like).
-Holmes Hobbies brushless waterproof motor (Trailmaster Pro BL 540 3300KV)
-Holmes Hobbies waterproof ESC (Trailmaster BLE Pro)
-Castle Creations CC BE switching power regulator
-Savox SA-1231SG steering servo
-Axial servo horn
-Axial rear sway bar set (AX30782)
-BP Custom Chassis shock relocation and lowering kit
-BP Custom Chassis battery relocation tray
-Multiple Vanquish chassis parts, including stainless steel front and rear upper and lower links plus a titanium tie rod
-The multitude of extra parts typically included in Axial's builder kits
-Spektrum 3 channel transmitter
-Spektrum smart charger and two new (still in the box) 2S Lipo batteries
I knew what I had to do. I reached out, and a day later, I was the owner of the new wraith spawn kit!

Time to Build!
I have discovered that I love building these rigs. I have so much fun with each build! This one, being something that 17 year old me had always wanted to try. Now, The Axial Fest West 5k takes place on July 17th, and its not just a test of the machine, but also the driver. I am not a peak athlete, but I'm not heavily out of shape. I enjoy good beer, and good food, and I am moderately active. A 3 mile off-road race is no easy feat! I recognize that not only do I have to have the rig ready, but I have to be ready as well!
So, here is my game plan. Each week, I must go to the gym minimum of 3 days a week to work on the Wraith kit. Each work day can consist of one portion of the project. I.E 1 week-front axle, Next week-rear axle, and so on. This way, as the Wraith is built to tackle the event, I am doing my steps to insure, I am also ready for the event!
I want to disclose that there is a 90% chance I will not make the event. So, I have decided that on July 17th I will plan and run my own Ultra 5k where I live.
I cant wait to share the progress of build, and myself! I hope you guys join along! After the long winded intro. Lets get started!
Well, hello all you RC crawler enthusiasts! I am here with another build! However, this one is special to me. Some back story, when I was in my teens, I used to work for a few different hobby shops back home. Which, just so happens to be where Horizon Hobby is based out of! At the time, I had barely scraped enough together to get myself my SCX10 JK unlimited kit for my graduation gift to myself. However, I had always wanted a wraith when they first came out. Just being young and broke, I couldn't justify it.
Anyway! Now, 10 years later, here we are. Recently, I have gotten back into the hobby. Mainly as both my 1:1 rigs are down. One of my goals is to be able to attend Axial Fest West for 2024 (will this happen? Doubtful). The main reason is that the Ultra 5k has got my attention, I think the concept is awesome! It seems like a fun test against the machine you build, and YOU. While this goal is kinda just a dream. It has lived rent free in my head several months now, plus I don't even have a rig for it!
Dream on bud
While on a recent buisness trip, scrolling through good 'ol craigslist. I found a BRAND NEW in the box, wraith spawn kit. This kit had EVERYTHING needed to build myself a rock racer. Here was the ad description:
Too many projects, and too little time for them all -SO- up for sale is my ALL NEW Axial Wraith Spawn Rock Racer builders kit that has been parked in my basement unfinished for too long. IN ADDITION to the chassis, EVERYTHING needed to complete the kit and go rock racing is INCLUDED and listed below:
-Axial assembly manual
-Wraith Spawn unpainted clear body, window masks, and decal sheet (and I'll throw-in red spray paint if you'd like).
-Holmes Hobbies brushless waterproof motor (Trailmaster Pro BL 540 3300KV)
-Holmes Hobbies waterproof ESC (Trailmaster BLE Pro)
-Castle Creations CC BE switching power regulator
-Savox SA-1231SG steering servo
-Axial servo horn
-Axial rear sway bar set (AX30782)
-BP Custom Chassis shock relocation and lowering kit
-BP Custom Chassis battery relocation tray
-Multiple Vanquish chassis parts, including stainless steel front and rear upper and lower links plus a titanium tie rod
-The multitude of extra parts typically included in Axial's builder kits
-Spektrum 3 channel transmitter
-Spektrum smart charger and two new (still in the box) 2S Lipo batteries
I knew what I had to do. I reached out, and a day later, I was the owner of the new wraith spawn kit!

Time to Build!
I have discovered that I love building these rigs. I have so much fun with each build! This one, being something that 17 year old me had always wanted to try. Now, The Axial Fest West 5k takes place on July 17th, and its not just a test of the machine, but also the driver. I am not a peak athlete, but I'm not heavily out of shape. I enjoy good beer, and good food, and I am moderately active. A 3 mile off-road race is no easy feat! I recognize that not only do I have to have the rig ready, but I have to be ready as well!
So, here is my game plan. Each week, I must go to the gym minimum of 3 days a week to work on the Wraith kit. Each work day can consist of one portion of the project. I.E 1 week-front axle, Next week-rear axle, and so on. This way, as the Wraith is built to tackle the event, I am doing my steps to insure, I am also ready for the event!
I want to disclose that there is a 90% chance I will not make the event. So, I have decided that on July 17th I will plan and run my own Ultra 5k where I live.
I cant wait to share the progress of build, and myself! I hope you guys join along! After the long winded intro. Lets get started!
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